Monday, October 3, 2011

Still a learning process

I know what you are thinking: how technologically challenged am I? Ha. Obviously a lot! These pictures were taken with a sweet friend of ours, Deanna Gemmer, who did our family pictures last year. She know has her own photography business. My good friend, Eva, helped pick out our outfits and I think they turned out quite nice. My two handsome boys.
My sweet children. We did our whole photo shoot in downtown Port Orchard. It was a gorgeous morning and for the most part the kids were cooperative.
This is my favorite shot of the day. Deanna was great at getting the boys to have a genuine smile. This one is on our mantle and I am thinking of getting it on a canvas.
Sweet Adeline Rae, you can really see her red hair in this shot, so much like her daddy. She did very well too, virtually impossible to get her to look at the camera AND to smile. We'll take what we can get!
Oh, my little Matthew. This is my most favorite shot of him of all time. Please note: about two weeks after this photo shoot he had to have six stitches in his forehead, whew! Every time I look at this picture I can just hear his laugh and his cute little voice.My big Owen. I still can't believe he'll be six in two months and that he's in kindergarten! When he was a baby and old ladies would feel so inclined to talk to me at the grocery store, they'd say "enjoy this time because it goes by so fast"...yeah yeah yeah, whatever, I just want to get some sleep! Boy were they right! I turned around and saw this!!
We can't stop kissin on this bebe! Everyday she grows and everyday there is an extra roll to clean! She's getting quite the chub going on and hardly fits in her bumbo anymore!
These two are so funny together. She's got her daddy wrapped around her finger, it's disgustingly cute.
Mom and her boys. I don't know what it is but there's nothing like it and nothing can duplicate it. At this point in the shoot everyone was getting tired and hungry so this is why this picture is this way but it shows what my life is like as a mommy of boys.
We wore out miss Adeline. Our little sleeping beauty.
Thank you again to Deanna Gemmer Photography we now have beautiful, updated pictures hanging in our house and so do all of our family. Now if they just wouldn't grow so fast....

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